◆モデルの説明と紹介 Models for artisoc available here

プロジェクトのメンバーが研究用などに作成したモデルを紹介します。轄\造計画研究所のartisoc を用いてモデルを作成しています。artisoc playerを使ってモデルの動きを見ることもできます。ここに紹介しているモデルは、作成途上のものも含んでいますので、随時、更新されていきます。ご注意ください。artisoc playerを用いる場合にはバイナリー形式のファイルをダウンロードしてください。artisocについては MASコミュニティ もご覧ください。たくさんのサンプルモデルが掲載してあります。
モデル名 作成者 説明 ファイル 動画像 更新日
Model Name Model Constructer ReadMe File File Image/Movie Date
.model .binary
NormEmergence Model MITSUTSUJI Katsuma
国際規範変動モデル 光辻克馬・山影進 2009/01/13
ContactProcess Model MITSUTSUJI Katsuma 2008/06/13
コンタクトプロセスモデル 光辻克馬 2008/06/13
EvolutionEthnoNationalism Model HOSHIRO Hiroyuki 2008/06/06
エスノナショナリズムモデル 保城広至 2008/06/06
ScaleFreeNetwork Model SAKAMOTO Takuto 2008/06/06
スケールフリーネットワーク 阪本拓人 2008/06/06
SmallWorldNetwork Model SAKAMOTO Takuto 2008/06/06
スモールワールドネットワーク 阪本拓人 2008/06/06
RandomNetwork Model SAKAMOTO Takuto 2008/06/06
ランダムネットワーク 阪本拓人 2008/06/06
DiseminationCulture Model MITSUTSUJI Katsuma 2008/05/20
文化変容モデル 光辻克馬 2008/05/20
Bus Model SUZUKI Kazutoshi
(Japanese only)

(Japanese only)

団子バスモデル 鈴木一敏
(Japanese only)

(Japanese only)
Segregation Model ●(English) ●(English) 2006/04/19
分居モデル ●(Japanese) ●(Japanese) 2006/04/19
The classic "Segregation" model, originally constructed by Thomas Schelling in 1969. The model simulate how people behave when all of their neighbors are not their kindred. An interesting relationship exists between micro-tolerance and macro-intolerance.
Forest Fire Model 2006/04/19
森林火災モデル 2006/04/19
The model of forest fire. Trees burn when neighbor trees are flamed. You can explore the relationship between forest density and scale of forest fire.
Boids Model YAMAKAGE Susumu 2006/03/28
ボイドモデル 山影進 2006/03/28
Two dimensional version of BOIDS model, originally constructed by Craig REYNOLDS in 1986. Birds construct a group with very very simple rules and without leadership.
Game of Life YAMAKAGE Susumu 2006/03/28
ライフゲーム 山影進 2006/03/28
The classic "Game of Life", originally constructed by John CONWAY in 1970. Cells behave like a living creature with simple rules.
Cuba Crisis SAKAMOTO/HOSHIRO 2006/01/10
キューバ危機モデル 阪本拓人保城広至 2006/01/10
This model simulates a 7days debate among policy makers US government that confronted Cuba Crisis in 1962. Excom members surrounding JFK give their opinions about US options and try to influence others.
Tracker Model SAKAMOTO Takuto ●(4MB) 2006/10/16
トラッカーモデル 阪本拓人 ●(4MB) 2006/10/16
Genetic algorithm creates ants that can trace pheromone and run the entire course of complex mazes. Generation by generation ants improve their ability through selections.
PD Tournament versus SUZUKI Kazutoshi ●(English) ●(English) 2005/6/20
対戦型PD選手権 鈴木一敏 ●(Japanese) ●(Japanese) 2005/6/20
This model re-create a well-known PD tournament held by Robert AXELROD in 1979. Human beings can take part in the tournament as a player. It is not easy to win in the tournament.
Diffusion-Limited Aggregation HOSHIRO Hiroyuki ●(Japanese only) ●(Japanese only) ●(20KB) 2005/6/22
拡散律速凝集(DLA) 保城広至 ●(Japanese only) ●(Japanese only) ●(20KB) 2005/6/22
Particles come flying randomly from surrounds. They stop and stay there when they run into other particles that already stay fixed. Only with this rule they construct a fractal figures.
SandPiles (BTW) MITSUTSUJI Katsuma ●(4MB) 2005/6/23
砂山崩しのモデル 光辻克馬 ●(4MB) 2005/6/23
So-called BTW model. This simulates a sandpile abstractly and is a basic model of self-organized criticality.
PD Tournament MITSUTSUJI Katsuma 2005/6/25
囚人のジレンマ選手権 光辻克馬 2005/6/25
This model re-create a well-known PD tournament held by Robert AXELROD in 1979. Famous strategies, TFT, FRIEDMAN, JOSS and so on, join the tournament.
One Dimensional Cell Automaton SKAMOTO Takuto ●(1.5MB) 2005/6/28
一次元セルオートマトン 阪本拓人 ●(1.5MB) 2005/6/28
One dimensional cell automaton, constructed by Stephen WOLFRAM. The dynamics of the system vary according to given rules and it is well-known that WOLFRAM classify the dynamics into 4 "classes".
The models for artisoc are available here. You can run these model with artisoc or artisoc player. The project members construct these models for fun and research. Someof them are still under development and will be up-dated. We constructthese models with use of artisoc. artisoc is available here MAS Community [now only in Japanese] and artisoc player is available here[English]. When you use artisoc player, please download a binary file. You can get more models from MAS Community [now only in Japanese].