Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 2008-2011
A Study on Dynamism of International Order
with Application of the Multi-Agent Modelling

A Study on Dynamism of International Order with Application of the Multi-agent Modeling started at April 2008. In use of multi-agent/agent-based methodology, we explore the logic behind international relations. Let's join the promising and pioneering expenditure. News and our achievments are avilable in this site. More information about the simulator, artisoc, is available here (MAS Community [Sorry only in JAPANESE]).

Multi-Agent Methodology

Agent-based simulation or multi-agent simulation (henceforth, MAS) is a promising method in analyzing political phenomena. Interactions between agents (either natural persons or nation-states) are essential in political behavior as compared with simple, price-taking micro economic behavior. In fact, numerous topics are suitable to the analysis applying MAS, and in recent years, an increasing number of researches have been conducted.

We have developed a Muti-Agent Simulator artisoc.This software has highly advanced function that are needed by a wide variety of researchers, while keeping a great advantage in user-friendliness. It has GUIs for execution order management, model structure composition, out-put settings for graphic charts, etc..., taskes that are formerly required a considerable amount of work for users who are not familiar wtih programming.

Modeling and Expanding Artificial Society
In order to spread this method world-wide, a textbook titled Modeling and Expanding Artificial Society [written in English]will be published in November 2009.[Contents][Preface] The textbook will enable teachers to open their classes easily, or even students to study for themselves.

All rights reserved by Susumu Yamakage
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Working Papers are Available here.
Models are Available here.
Other Achievements are archived here[in Japanese]